Vote on APRIL 1st Right Now Shields Township is unsupervised.
Accountability Team

Kathy Blahunka
Chris Papas
Catherine Oliver-Salbillia
Chris Prager
Write in for Supervisor
Write in -Trustee
Write in -Trustee
Write in - Trustee
Kathy Blahunka, retired from corporate management, brings her vast experience in managing money, people, programs and contracts.
Chris Papas, a small business owner, has been building trusted relationships with vendors and clients for years.
Catherine Oliver-Salbilla, an attorney, provides strong organizational skills and an ability to synthesize complex issues.
Chris Prager, a retired firefighter and construction business owner, brings his commitment to public services and practical knowledge to help maintain safe roads.
Vote for Shields Township Accountability Team
The write-in section will appear on the ballot like this
Step 1 - Add our names
Step 2 - Darken the oval next to the name

Our names are not listed on the ballot, thus we need to be "write-in" candidates (see details).
Taxpayers don't know what Shields Township does. We're running to change that.
Current township politicians have failed to properly value new construction. And that causes an unfair tax burden for the rest of us.
Township officials have purposefully defunded our roads, neglecting needed repairs that could affect our safety.
Why are we running?
The Township has not been working for us:
Lack of visibility to Township Business
New construction has not been properly re-valued, shifting the lost property taxes to the rest of us
De-funding of roads by $605,000 over the past 3 years
Increased administrative taxes by 54% without rationale
Legal fees in excess of $136,000 annually
Disregard for all communities contributing taxes to Shields Township
Lack of recovery of records lost or destroyed without authorization
Lack of controls with employee use of Township credit card
Allowing employee to pose as a Highway Commissioner, a legally eliminated elected position
Poor time-tracking for eligibility to retirement benefits
Online threats to members of this team

It is time for change!
What government services do we receive for our $1.5 million in tax dollars??